For years inquisitive minds throughout the world have been working relentlessly to quench their curiosity of knowing the unknown and discovering the unexpected. And while all have been motivated by different reasons..but the saddest part is that not many of these inventions have come without repercussions. In 1999, two senior People’s Liberation Army (Air Force) Colonels wrote a book called “Unrestricted Warfare”, wherein they explored technological innovation in warfare, military tactics, strategy, weapons and organization. Not only did it justify the use of cyber, finance, biological & chemical weapons for warfare, but these Chinese military theorists openly appealed for it. Today as these very manmade technological blunders come back to haunt us – some in the form of missiles, some as cyber frauds, some as viruses… we must ask ourselves – Shouldn’t there be a line between Science and Ethical Consideration? Shouldn’t we take a step back and evaluate the “progress” that the world has made?